Thursday, October 11, 2007

My Suedo Vacation

Remember the pictures I posted of my site and my house? Keep those in mind as you are looking at these. Talk about going from one extreme to the other. This is the house I stayed at this past week. It was unlike anything I have ever experienced. Now I am back at site and I am not missing the things I thought I would. I thought I would miss the hot baths and showers, the amazing meals, which I do miss. But the thing that I never thought about when I was staying with the ambassador, was how easy life was. Back at site, every day is a battle. Nothing is easy, nothing works. You dont think about these kinds of things, unless things don't work. It was so nice to pick up the phone and have it work. It was nice to not have to rearrange my day to take care of something that didn't work out like it was supposed to the day before. I think a big lesson that became clear to me because of this stay, is that when you have money, everyday life is easier. Its not necessarily happier and that doesn't mean you don't have to work really really hard to maintain this style of life. It means that little things, the things you never stop to think about are taken care of.

So this is the back of the house. While I was staying here, I woke up for the first time to sun. Most of the days were gray though. It would have been nice if it were warm. I would have laid by the pool. My and my friend spent a lot of time in the house. We didn't go out too much. We sat in our room mostly, or in the TV room. We read, took baths and talked a lot. I also didn't realize how much I would miss the companionship when I got back to site. Because we spent so much time at the house, we really got to enjoy the simple luxuries. Relaxing in big chairs, reading in the library, watching TV in english and sleeping in beds that weren't so caved in in the middle you can feel the pieces of wood holding up the mattress.

The house was so elegant. But it was unlike the houses you see on Cribs. There were no plasma flat screen TVs or any sort of over the top luxury items. The house is not just a house. The whole downstairs is mainly for entertaining. The ambassador said he mainly lives upstairs and only goes downstairs to eat.

The whole house was filled with fresh flowers. The ambassadors wife insisted that they put tuberoses in every arrangement so the whole house was filled with its sweet sent. For those of you who have no idea what a tuberose is, or what it smells like, think about Hawaii. The air in Hawaii is so sweet because of the fragrant tropical flowers that grow all over the island. The tuberose is one of the flowers Im sure you've seen if you've ever travel there. It was cool to be in the middle of Lima, a big, cold and dirty city, but have it smell like Hawaii. I especially like the portrait of George Washington.

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