Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hanging out

The lack of fellow PCV`s in Lima has forced me to go out and make new friends. But one of the perks of not hanging out with PCV`s, is that normal people don`t live with host families and don`t abide by 10,000 rules in daily life. So I can stay with them in their houses and behave as I used to when I had an indepent lifestyle. It`s really weird hanging out with people who aren`t experiencing the same things as I am. But in turn they are learning A LOT about Peace Corps cause it´s all I really talk about. It`s funny to me to realize that there are Americans living in Peru that don`t have to go through many of the things I have had to get used to. But now when I need a break from life at site, I am not doomed to roam the streets of Lima alone! These are a few pictures of a day this past weekend I spent destressing with friends. As you can see, I get to be a goof ball with them which is nice cause at site I feel like a much more serious person than I am. Often times,
I feel like I can`t do anything right. So having made these friends has really made a big difference in my sanity. I feel I have adjusted pretty well to my new living and work situation, but it will continue to be a constant struggle and will never be easy. This month will be especially great becuase it`s december and there will be a ton of PCV`s coming through Lima for vacations and for the holidays so I should have a pretty full social calender. It`s not such a bad life.

1 comment:

Kitty said...

Hi Ali-
It's good to read that you're having some fun! Hey, sorry to use your blog but Amber if you read this can you email me your address? (catansola@gmail.com) I have Christmas cards to send to both of you guys! I recently went swimming with my cell phone and lost a lot of phone numbers and stuff! Ali- are you coming home for Christmas? I'll be in Woodpile a whole week so let me know!