Sunday, December 23, 2007

Pre-Holiday Hang-ups

I've been really uncertain as to where I will be spending my first Christmas in Peru. I haven't put too much stress on finalizing plans, cause one of the best Christmas' I ever had was my very unplanned Christmas I spent in Germany. Also, some of the most well thought out plans, turn out to be the most disapointing. I figured I would just sit back, relax and see where this holiday in a foreign land takes me.

One of the big problems I have run into, is that I haven't found a place that feels like home. The only thing that really feels like home to me are my Peace Corps Volunteers (specifically Peru 9). But as we are encouraged to spend Christmas with our host families, assembling the whole gang like we did for Thanksgiving, is out of the question. Never the less, I was still hopeful of a new experience and a merry Christmas.

But two days ago I got really sick. I think it's just a virus (I hope it's not bacteria) and has rendered me completely useless and a pathetic mess of sweat and a bunch of other not so pleasant bolidy fluids. Even then, the pain and exhaustion didn't damper my holiday spirit. It wasn't until I talked to my mom tonight on the phone, that the bulk of everything really hit me. I'm sick, I'm in a foreign country, and I miss my family. I feel like I down play how much I miss home and miss all my friends and family. In truth, I love being in Peru and I love the expereince, but there are times when being so far away from my family really sucks. Tonight is one of those nights

Being so close to Lima, I get to visit other volunteers when they come through. There have been a hand full of Peru 9ers coming and going as significant others and family members come to visit them. One PCV got engaged today! Also, a bunch of my Lima based friends flew home for the Holidays. Everytime I say goodbye to one of them, I think about how I might feel and how nice it would to go home for Christmas. It would be nice, but I try to not think about that. For now I'm trying to focus on resting and getting better so when Christmas finally rolls around, I will be ready for it. Although, the big day in Peru isn't Christmas, it's Christmas Eve. And here they stay up till midnight when they put the baby Jesus in the manger and then eat a huge meal and party all night. Christmas Eve is tomorrow. It may take a Christmas mircale to have me partying hard in 24 hours.


Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Ali!
we all miss you too, sooooo much!
I wish you could be here with us, but what you are doing is so great and you're not just doing it for yourself you are doing it for all of us. i learn and get so much out of your blogs every time i read them. The next Christmas that we are all together we can make up for it.
love you and miss you!

Lili said...

We were just talking about how Christmas doesn't feel the same without you here--your holiday centerpieces, your specially wrapped Christmas presents, your gourmet cooking, picking out and decorating the tree in just the right way, and all your stories told in person! Even though we aren't celebrating Christmas in the traditional way this year, it doesn't make us miss you any less!

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas my love. You are amazing. The holidays are a time of reflection that magnifies stress and loneliness. I'm not surprised that your body is reacting, I suspect that right now you're especially susceptible to sicknesses. Take good care of yourself, I hope you get some time to relax. I miss you and love you so much!