Monday, February 18, 2008

My New Digs

I`m settling in quite nicely into my new home and family. The house is much nicer than my previous and my family is exactly what I was looking for. I`ve traded in the compo for the for a house on the bussiest street in Lurìn with a window that opens right out onto the noise. Instead of baby roosters waking me at 4 in the morning I now have two booths set up on opposite corners selling pirated CD`s. They each blast contrasting music all day long so it is never quite in my room. But so far that is my only complaint. I can´t put into words how thrilled I am to have a bathROOM as opposed to the very non-private seatless toilet seperated from the kitchen by a flimsy shower curtain. My new toilet even flushes, except between 10 PM and 7 AM when the whole towns water supply is shut off. That also can be a little bothersom when it`s 11 at night and I need to wash my face. But it`s really not a big deal. We keep buckets of water all over the house to accomidate for the waterless hours.

My new family has been great so far. First of all, no kids. While the street outside the house is busy and noisy, inside the house is calm and quite. And the family doesn´t all pile in front of the television all hours of the day. They go out and do things and they even invite me along. And since I´m living in Lurìn, there is stuff to do. I went to my first community festival last week with Viviana and I finally felt like I was getting the Peruvian Community expereince. My host mom cooks more than just rice and potatoes. They all talk to me and we have interesting and stimulating conversation. So it seems that everything I wanted, I got. Plus, one totally awesome bonus is the house has cable television. I get to watch CNN in english instead of the mind dumbing programs they dare to call news programs on the Peruvian channels.

I`m hoping everything stays good and the transition period goes by quickly. I know there is no such thing as a perfect living situation but if anything it is an improvment over the last.


Unknown said...

Yay! It sounds perfect for you! I'm so happy for you! Hope things just keep getting better and better.

Unknown said...

Awesome, that sounds like just what you needed. It is so great that your family invites you along to community events. I'm sure that being in a more suitable home setting will make you so much happier and more comfortable in Peru. Love you!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Sounds much improved! Found your blog looking for stuff about my upcoming trip to Peru, Bolivia and beyond.

I actually considered being a PC volunteer right out of HS...but never did. I'm amazed at your courage!