Friday, June 1, 2007

Ready or not here I come!

I leave for my staging event in Philadelphia in 4 days. I am trying to get everything I need to get done while simultaneously not freak out. I'm doing well considering what a huge life changing adventure I'm embarking on. I definitely think the two times I left this country to study abroad are helping me tremendously. I feel ready, although I am no where near packed. There are still a boat load of things I want to buy like shoes, an ipod, gifts for my host family and well, I guess not a boat load cause that's pretty much it. I bought a lap top two days ago. It was pretty momentous because I basically decided I wanted one the day before I got it. I am a little nervous about bringing it cause I don't know how much access to electricity I will have, but I figured if I don't have it at my house, I will have it somewhere I work. My battery only lasts 2 hours. So if I don't have it at home I will have to take to work with me everyday to charge. But I feel the benefits will greatly out weigh the downsides. On lonely nights, I can watch a movie, play free cell, or write a really big letter for me to post on my blog when I get Internet access. So hopefully this will be my greatest tool for people to know how I'm doing. I'm probably wasting time by writing my first blog entry and should probably get back to packing so hopefully I will write more before I leave.


Unknown said...

Yay, I found your blog! I am so excited for you and I can't wait to read about your adventures.

amanda said...

Hooray!! I love my adventurous friends :)