Monday, July 23, 2007

Hand Washing

Just wanted to add a few more pictures from field based training to emphasize the importance of hand washing. We washed over 100 hands last week, sometimes having to get pretty creative. The picture to the right is us using plastic cups to poor water over the kids hands into buckets cause there was no running water. Just getting the water in the buckets was an obstacle. The Picture below is of me and some kids right after we did a hand washing activity. I´m still dressed in my evil microbio (germ) bandanna from our hand washing skit. I´m such a good actress I´m sure those kids will never forget to wash their hands again!


August Caravalho said...

I can only imagine an evil microbe, as portrayed by Ali, communicating through song. This being the case, I'm sure the musical portion of your performance must have really made an impression! A regular one-woman band.

amanda said...

Oh Aligirl :) I sure love you!! :) ... the blog is great, i love reading your stories. mine these days would be summed up in one sentence, or word really: studying :) but that's ok, because i love what i'm learning. i went home to cali for cori ladd (now william's) wedding-- it was lovely... anyway, just wanted to say hi-- amanda