Saturday, September 1, 2007


ve been in my site now for a week. Why has it taken so long to post? It´s not for lack of Internet access or anything real excuse. I´ve actually used the Internet almost everyday since I arrived. No no, I haven´t posted because sadly I´ve been having a lot of really horrible panic attacks everyday that I´ve been here. It´s weird and I don´t really understand it. I like my site, it´s a great site. There is a ton of stuff to do, it´s close to Lima and the possibilities for work are endless. I´m positive and trying to keep everything in perspective, but I just can´t control these panic attacks. It´s hard, because most people don´t know what it feels like to have a panic attack, so they can´t understand how disabling it is to have them continuously throughout the day.
All the other PCV´s would laugh at me if they knew how great I have it and how badly I am taking to it. There´s are two gym´s in Lurin which I will join shortly and start up dance classes as well. I rode my bike to the beach the other day. I made chocolate chip cookies for the nuns and they loved them. I choreographed a dance to the YMCA and taught it to a group of 6th grade boys at the orphanage and they preformed it for one of the nuns on her birthday. I got invited to a lunch at the sub directors house in Lima and realized one of the big upsides to having a site so close to Lima is that I will get to know the Peace Corps staff really well and that will hopefully come in handy later in life. My family is really sweet. They are very quite and don ´t do a whole lot besides work but they have been very understanding about me being a giant wimp. I haven´t been able to eat much so I think my mom is a bit concerned, but hopefully my appetite will come back and I will start to feel normal.
I really do feel ridiculous. I didn´t have a single panic attack during training and all the sudden I feel like I´ve had my legs cut out from underneath me. I know it´s hard for everyone, but I feel especially weak. Most people in my group are really surprised that I´m having such a hard time. I really hope with in one more week the panic attacks ease up a bit, if they don´t, I will have to do something. I don´t know what, but I can´t keep living like this. Wow, that was morbid. Don´t worry guys, I´m gonna keep on trucking. I know that all this hard stuff is good for me and gonna make me a stronger better person. One of the big reasons I joined the Peace Corps. I will hopefully post in a few days, and cross your fingers that I will be feeling better.


amanda said...


Hey lovely lady... All I've got to say is I'm thinking about you, so proud of you, and I'm certain things will get better :) ... Don't be too hard on yourself--just accept all the cruddy emotions you're feeling right now...take a deep breath and try to surround yourself with familiar and comfortable things. Sure do love you lady! Take care and search out something that will make you laugh :) -- love, love...

Danielle said...

ALI! I got diarrhea again but haven't yet had a panic attack. My little brother got chased by a dog and fell down though; which means there are evil dogs about in Tucume.

I love you and I know you'll buzz through this rough point, and look back on it and laugh (or at least giggle). One week down...and probably the hardest one....two years from now you'll go back and read this blog and be wishing you had more time in Peru.

I'll call you soon.

August Caravalho said...

good luck!

Lili said...

Hey Ali! Why not try talking to your family and asking them to introduce you to some neighbors. Can you explain to them what a social butterfly you are and your need for more social interaction? I know it's hard to fit all this in skirting the panic attacks, but it sounds like things are improving!
Our love to you. Everyone's pulling for you.

Unknown said...

Hey Al,
Keep on truckin' is such a good mantra. That is something I talk about with the homeless guests I work with all of the time- when you feel like you're in a situation you have no control of all you can do is the best you can. All of your friends and family back home are rooting for you, I'm sure you'll overcome this obstacle and end up so much stronger for it. I love you!